Thursday, May 20, 2010


Over the few years that Kris and I have been married, we have wanted so badly to be in full time ministry. Our desire is to serve God and people. We have searched the internet trying to figure out where God wants us and if He wanted us to move, we were willing to do so!
I wanted him to visit a church I had been to before and we both fell in love with it the first weekend that we visited. We knew that God had called us there! But time went by and there had not been any opportunities for us to be part of the staff at the church. That was really where we wanted to be and we both thought that it was only a matter of time before there was a spot for us.
We have attended now for 2 1/2 years and still love it, but still no spot has opened up for us.
A few weeks ago, two of the worship pastors spoke a word into our lives saying that God had not skipped over us! It was such an awesome night knowing that God still cares about our thoughts and desires! We continue to be faithful and we know that whatever happens, we are in the right place! I am excited to find out all the great things that are in store for us!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

3rd Update on Dad

My dad went in yesterday to get his catheter out and he was unable to urinate. They think there is some kind of blockage due possibly to scar tissue. So he had to have another surgery last night to put a tube directly into his bladder.
Seems like things just keep popping up causing more trouble for him. Please keep him in your prayers.
He is finally back at his house which is close to his sister, so she will be able to help take care of him when the need arises.
He will be seeing his urologist to figure out the extent of the damage to the urethra, hopefully it's nothing serious that is fixable so it isn't permanent!

Friday, March 19, 2010

When do you know....

I guess this is an age old question for most people needing to make decisions. When do you know when it's time?
It's a difficult one to answer for me. Usually, when I have a big decision to make, I spend time talking to God to let him know what's going on. I know he already knows, but just like a father, I want him to know that I need his help. Most of the time, I have no problem deciding which direction to take, but recently I'm not sure what to do.
I prayed for my husband a long time before I ever knew who he was. When he finally arrived in my life, there was no question in my mind that he was THE ONE! Once I met him, I didn't have to pray and wonder and ask God what I should do. My heart and my husband's heart just connected and we knew God has placed us together for His purposes! Easy decision for me.
Going to bible school wasn't a difficult decision for me, I just felt an urging from God that this was the place I was supposed to be. I met so many Godly, amazing people there and I feel like it's changed my life! That was an easy decision.
When Kris and I were trying to decide where to live, we just happened upon some great apartments at an amazing price and jumped at the opportunity. Easy decision.
Once we lived there for 2 years we decided it was time to move out closer to our church, this was not an easy process trying to figure out what we could afford and where exactly we wanted to live. Kris is working in McKinney, I am working in Las Colinas. So we were trying to find something that was in the middle of the two. We figured that Kris could easily find a job closer to mine so we would both be working on this side of town. That hasn't happened. So, now I'm wondering if we should have moved out here in the first place. We didn't really pray about it, we just jumped into it.
I pretty much did the same thing with my job. I felt God tell me that I wouldn't like it. But I was out of work and needed it! So I took it. And now I don't like it. :(
So now I feel like it's time to fast and pray and figure out the next steps God has for us. I love being close to our church so we can be more involved. And I really like living on this side of Dallas. But I want to be where God wants us.
And I also want to start a family soon. That's probably the most difficult decision for us. When, Lord, when?? My body is pretty much screaming at me that it's time. But I just don't feel like Kris and I are ready for that step.
I'm praying for God's guidance and wisdom to move us into the right direction.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Update on Dad

I was able to spend some time with my dad over the weekend so I thought I would share how he is doing.
The first week after his surgery was pretty rough with getting the pain under control and having all kinds of tubes coming out of his body.
At this point, he has a catheter along with the colostomy bag that he has to mess with, but he's enjoying not having to go to the bathroom right now! :) His pain is finally subsiding and he was back to his normal self. I think he is still on some pain medication because there were a few things he said that didn't make any sense. But that's my dad!
Anyway, he is still staying out at Julie's house for the rest of this week and plans on going back to work next Monday if he is feeling well enough to do so.
I really appreciate every one's prayers over the past several months. It's great knowing we have a circle of friends all over the country!

Friday, March 5, 2010

My passion

Recently, my husband bought a book that we are reading together. It talks about having a personal relationship with Jesus instead of relying on your pastor or someone else's experience. I realized at one point that all of the bible stories I know now are only because of going to Sunday school when I was little. When I acutally attended a bible school, I started reading my bible more and read all these stories for myself. I remember some of the details I always thought were true weren't even in the story at all. It was just the teacher trying to make it more exciting or memorable for kids.
So we were reading this book, and at the end of the chapters there are discussion questions. The book asks if you have ever relied on someone else for revelation from God. I think most people would say yes, and I know I have. After we went through the questions, my husband started praying. As we sat on our couch praying, I saw a vision of a small child sitting on a blanket in our living room. He was probably the age of the child we would have had if I had not miscarried. So there are tears in my eyes and the vision goes away. Then I see Jesus with his arms reaching out calling to me to come to him, to come closer. It was like He was almost begging me. Of course, that brought tears to my eyes as well. And my husband finished praying and it was supposed to be my turn, but I couldn't even talk.
It wasn't until later that I realized both visions were connected. The way Jesus was calling me was just like a parent reaching for their child when they are learning to take their first steps. So I realized Jesus was reaching out for me to take those steps towards him so he could tell me that He loved me.
It's pretty amazing to me that God takes the time to reach out to each one of His kids to let them know He listens and cares about our lives!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My dad

I guess I can start from the beginning....warning, it's a little graphic.
Back in late October, my dad went to the doctor because he was having a lot of bleeding and pain in his backside. They did a colonoscopy and discovered that he had a tumor right at the edge of colon. The tumor was about the size of his first finger. Because of the location, his doctor said surgery was a must and he would have to have a colostomy bag for the rest of his life. Kinda sucks.
So when he got back from the doctor, my whole family went over to his house and prayed over his body and also just prayed for each other. It was a really great night! It had been a long time since my whole family had done that together.
He started his chemo/radiation treatment in early November. Radiation was Monday through Friday and he took chemo pills in the morning and the evening. Because he was taking chemo pills, he never lost his hair, but having that go through his digestive system was really difficult. Every bathroom trip was quite an ordeal with extreme pain, no matter what he ate, it felt like jalapeno juice. Not fun!
He did his treatment for 6 weeks and I'm sure he is glad that part is over.
So yesterday he had his surgery to remove the tumor and fit him for the colostomy bag. Basically, a colostomy bag means he doesn't use the restroom through his rectum anymore, it goes through this bag and he just empties the bag. During the surgery, the doctor accidentally nicked his urethra and they had to call in a urologist to come repair it. That was an extra two hours that he was in surgery yesterday. So now he has to deal with a catheter for about three weeks while the injury from his surgery recovers. It has been quite an ordeal for him to get the pain under control after the anesthesia wore off. My sister, Julie said he was waking up every 30 minutes all night because he couldn't get the pain under control. They now have him on a different medication that seems to be working much better. So hopefully he will be able to leave the hospital on Friday.
When he leaves, he will be staying at Julie and my mom's house to help him recover.
Please keep him in your prayers for continued strength to get him through the transition of having a colostomy bag and all that it includes!
As of 3/4, I went to see him last night and he was doing much better. His pain is finally under control. He was cracking jokes and in good spirits! Today, Julie will be getting him out of bed to walk around so he can hopefully be going home on Friday!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Just starting out

I decided to start blogging because I really enjoy reading several of my friend's blogs, I think it's a great way to keep in touch with people around the world that you normally don't get to talk on the phone with very often. I have so many people that I met at bible school that literally spans the globe! I think that's pretty cool!!

Anyway, I'm excited to share my thoughts and fears and dreams and visions for our life!

A little history...

I think it is beyond amazing that God picked my husband, Kris and I to be together in this world. I really believe that too! When I was a teenager and into my 20's, anytime I would think about my future husband I would pray for him. One time I was praying that God would give him strength and I felt like God told me that He was preparing him, that he wasn't ready yet and for me to be patient. Kris went through some very difficult things after he graduated from college. He got married to a girl right when he graduated and things just didn't turn out the way he had planned. His first wife decided that it wasn't necessary to be faithful to him and pretty much found other men any chance that she got. I think it is a very sad situation that he had to go through. He was very patient and forgave her more than once. More than I think I could have done if it were me! So after a few years he decided that she was not willing to change and he wanted to love someone who would love him back. They got divoced and he moved in with his parents and they eventually ended up in McKinney, TX. A friend of his told him about a dating website, and he thought it would be a good idea since he was new in town to see if he could find someone interesting. I had just happened to sign up on the same website to hopefully find a date for my sister's wedding. Kris did one search and found my profile. He sent me a message and I would say we hit it off instantly. We chatted back and forth for a few days and eventually had a conversation on the phone on a Wednesday. I was bold enough to meet him on Thursday, and we were falling in love by Friday! It was incredible! In the first two weeks that we were together, I never felt so loved by another person. All of the relationships I had been in during my life did not even compare to how great this was. Just the feeling of kissing Kris had a different meaning to me. I know that sounds crazy, but it was real! I wish I could communicate that to all young people! All the kisses in the world don't come close to the wonderful feeling you experience when you finally meet the one God has for you!!

We dated for 6 months before we got married in a beautiful ceremony in my Aunt Barbara's back yard. Since we have been married, I grow deeper in love with the man of my dreams and I am super excited about seeing God's plans for our lives unfold!! I know that God placed us together for a specific purpose to create change in this world! I don't really know how or when His plans will become clear, but we just keep pressing in to His love and grace everyday. I think 2010 is a year of change and a clear vision for us! Yay God! :)

I don't think that all of my blogs will be this serious, but I thought it would be good to lay a foundation of where Kris and I are coming from and the passion that we have towards each other and for Jesus!!

Today I am also praying for my dad. He is having surgery this morning to remove a tumor and install a colostomy bag. This bag is something he will have to wear for the remainder of his life. I'm not thrilled about that, but I'm sure it will be ok. My dad is a strong man full of courage and hope!

My hope for this blog is also just to get some feelings out of my head and into print. I don't know how often I will write, but I hope you enjoy hearing about my life.