Friday, March 19, 2010

When do you know....

I guess this is an age old question for most people needing to make decisions. When do you know when it's time?
It's a difficult one to answer for me. Usually, when I have a big decision to make, I spend time talking to God to let him know what's going on. I know he already knows, but just like a father, I want him to know that I need his help. Most of the time, I have no problem deciding which direction to take, but recently I'm not sure what to do.
I prayed for my husband a long time before I ever knew who he was. When he finally arrived in my life, there was no question in my mind that he was THE ONE! Once I met him, I didn't have to pray and wonder and ask God what I should do. My heart and my husband's heart just connected and we knew God has placed us together for His purposes! Easy decision for me.
Going to bible school wasn't a difficult decision for me, I just felt an urging from God that this was the place I was supposed to be. I met so many Godly, amazing people there and I feel like it's changed my life! That was an easy decision.
When Kris and I were trying to decide where to live, we just happened upon some great apartments at an amazing price and jumped at the opportunity. Easy decision.
Once we lived there for 2 years we decided it was time to move out closer to our church, this was not an easy process trying to figure out what we could afford and where exactly we wanted to live. Kris is working in McKinney, I am working in Las Colinas. So we were trying to find something that was in the middle of the two. We figured that Kris could easily find a job closer to mine so we would both be working on this side of town. That hasn't happened. So, now I'm wondering if we should have moved out here in the first place. We didn't really pray about it, we just jumped into it.
I pretty much did the same thing with my job. I felt God tell me that I wouldn't like it. But I was out of work and needed it! So I took it. And now I don't like it. :(
So now I feel like it's time to fast and pray and figure out the next steps God has for us. I love being close to our church so we can be more involved. And I really like living on this side of Dallas. But I want to be where God wants us.
And I also want to start a family soon. That's probably the most difficult decision for us. When, Lord, when?? My body is pretty much screaming at me that it's time. But I just don't feel like Kris and I are ready for that step.
I'm praying for God's guidance and wisdom to move us into the right direction.


  1. I've found that whenever I go out of my way to do something, and it's difficult or I struggle with it, it ends up having been the wrong thing to do. Things that have come easily have been the things that are meant to be. For instance... you and Kris don't feel you're ready for that next step, but what if God is ready for you to be at that next step? Aren't you doing something to control that? You make decisions and you learn from them. But you also learn that YOU made the decision and YOU were able to do that and that's why we're all here! Things will change, and I know you will find the faith to believe it. I love reading your blog. It makes me miss you though!

  2. Wow, those are a lot of decisions that u are facing. We seem to be facing a few of those ourselves. I think waiting of God's 'go ahead' is the biggest deal. BC if we jump out ahead of Him possibly we could miss the next opportunity that would be even better! (I think I'm preaching to myself here! Lol) But as for starting a family- it's the best thing that has ever happened to us. But we did wait almost 5 years before starting one which was the best thing as well. We got to do so much together and really work out our relationship being married. Def don't do it until your both ready! I cried secretly for 6 months bc I wanted to start a family and Nick didn't feel ready...once I left it alone and started praying about it- he completely surprised me one day and said I've been praying and now is the time! Anyhow, try not to stress about it too much! God is still on His throne no matter what happens here on this earth!
