Friday, March 5, 2010

My passion

Recently, my husband bought a book that we are reading together. It talks about having a personal relationship with Jesus instead of relying on your pastor or someone else's experience. I realized at one point that all of the bible stories I know now are only because of going to Sunday school when I was little. When I acutally attended a bible school, I started reading my bible more and read all these stories for myself. I remember some of the details I always thought were true weren't even in the story at all. It was just the teacher trying to make it more exciting or memorable for kids.
So we were reading this book, and at the end of the chapters there are discussion questions. The book asks if you have ever relied on someone else for revelation from God. I think most people would say yes, and I know I have. After we went through the questions, my husband started praying. As we sat on our couch praying, I saw a vision of a small child sitting on a blanket in our living room. He was probably the age of the child we would have had if I had not miscarried. So there are tears in my eyes and the vision goes away. Then I see Jesus with his arms reaching out calling to me to come to him, to come closer. It was like He was almost begging me. Of course, that brought tears to my eyes as well. And my husband finished praying and it was supposed to be my turn, but I couldn't even talk.
It wasn't until later that I realized both visions were connected. The way Jesus was calling me was just like a parent reaching for their child when they are learning to take their first steps. So I realized Jesus was reaching out for me to take those steps towards him so he could tell me that He loved me.
It's pretty amazing to me that God takes the time to reach out to each one of His kids to let them know He listens and cares about our lives!!


  1. Wow! That's so amazing! I love how God speaks to us just when we need, well sometimes we don't even know what we need!
