Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Update on Dad

I was able to spend some time with my dad over the weekend so I thought I would share how he is doing.
The first week after his surgery was pretty rough with getting the pain under control and having all kinds of tubes coming out of his body.
At this point, he has a catheter along with the colostomy bag that he has to mess with, but he's enjoying not having to go to the bathroom right now! :) His pain is finally subsiding and he was back to his normal self. I think he is still on some pain medication because there were a few things he said that didn't make any sense. But that's my dad!
Anyway, he is still staying out at Julie's house for the rest of this week and plans on going back to work next Monday if he is feeling well enough to do so.
I really appreciate every one's prayers over the past several months. It's great knowing we have a circle of friends all over the country!

1 comment:

  1. Its good to hear that he's getting back to his 'normal' self for the most part! :)
